About This Blog

Before you continue, read You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism.

In 2024 I decided to revive link pages to news on the home page. I did this years ago, and it was an abject failure, and unsustainable. I switched to posting links on social media, and that worked for a while to signal boost news. However, by 2024, the big sites were no longer giving me any traffic for news stories; getting impressions in the single digits was common.

So I’m back to aggregating links on a blog. It’s growing slowly, with around 10 views per page or day, mainly from social media posts, which sucks… but so what? That’s not too different from what social media was giving me.

I like to post something current, and sometimes, older articles that are related, and sometimes, background information like links to biographies, history, essays, and books. I don’t try to “scoop” or be the first to post a link, because that’s not sustainable for me. The news hype cycle is encourages superficiality, while it makes you feel informed.

I also have articles about what I’m learning about AI, local history, and other personal stuff, but that’s not on the home page.

Discussions at Space is a Means of Production.