Capitalism, Socialism, Cars, Fascism; Asiaphobia in the Black Community; Tipping; Masking; Kamala

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The Racist History of Tipping

By REV. DR. WILLIAM J. BARBER II, July 17, 2019

This week, the House of Representatives will have a chance to end a pernicious legacy of slavery. Lawmakers will vote on the Raise the Wage Act, which would boost the minimum wage across the country to $15 an hour by 2024. This would be a crucial step toward the first federal minimum wage increase in more than a decade.

A just-released Congressional Budget Office report finds that a $15 minimum wage would have tremendous benefits for low-wage workers of all races and ethnicities. Yet the stakes are particularly high for black workers. The share who would benefit from the Raise the Wage Act is far larger than the share of white workers who would benefit—38 percent compared with 23 percent.


Capitalism, socialism, cars, and fascism. More information on China’s renewable revolution: @Dante Muñoz #education #educacion #socialism #socialismo #history #historia

♬ original sound – Dante Muñoz



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