UK Race Riots and Organizing; Tipping; Masking in Our Community Spaces; Video Channel Links

Before you continue, read You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism.

I’m so unhappy because I lost a day of links.

This video about the UK racist riots had a lot to say about community organizing and the Left:

I’m not sure if there’s a Black Breadtube, but here are a few creators I sometimes watch: FD Signifier, lil bill, Kat Blaque, This is Revolution. (I realize there’s a gender bias. I don’t watch Kat that much, while I listen to TIR a lot. I will work on this.)

What’s really embarrassing is that I don’t have an Asian Breadtube list. I mostly get stuff through TikTok and Instagram. I’ll list them here, but my main ones are Seij/Accidental Astro Boy, ykhong, phinajana, and Amy Chen. They tend to be more women than men there.

The Racist History of Tipping


July 17, 2019

You might not think of tipping as a legacy of slavery, but it has a far more racialized history than most Americans realize. Tipping originated in feudal Europe and was imported back to the United States by American travelers eager to seem sophisticated. The practice spread throughout the country after the Civil War as U.S. employers, largely in the hospitality sector, looked for ways to avoid paying formerly enslaved workers.

Masking requirements at community events reflect a core value of the world we want to win

by Taiji Miyagawa

In the face of the likelihood of simultaneous pandemics, masking requirements protect each other and promote a culture of inclusivity. Such policies within the peoples’ movement run directly counter to Democrat and Republican advocacy of mask bans and creation of new, profitable “disease markets” for corporate drug interests. We must defend the right to protect each other and it starts with enacting practices to not spread deadly airborne pathogens within our own ranks.

Unknowable: Against an Indigenous Anarchist Theory

by Klee Benally, Ya’iishjááshch’ilí

The idea of “civilization” was translated to Diné bizaad, as it was in many other languages of the land, in the brutal and fractured words of imposition that were spread through a multitude of ruptures throughout the world and refined in Europe. This is not an evaluation of what has proceeded as the depths of its telling has been surveyed acutely in other spaces. Though it is important to speak of its stark shadow as it was announced in the eclipsing language of domination, control and exploitation. And when it consumed and it did not swallow us whole, it voraciously welcomed us into its folds. Our ancestors knew this was the language of non-existence, they attacked it.

The entire book is available at The Anarchist Library -> -> ->

Discussions at Space is a Means of Production.