French Neoliberal Macron Refuses to Hand Power to Victorious Left Coalition, New Popular Front
- French left accuses Macron of ‘anti-democratic coup’, after he rules out a left-wing government
- List of coups and coup attempts since 2010
More than 60 Ice detainees on hunger strike over inhumane living conditions
People at two Geo Group facilities in California, Mesa Verde in Bakersfield, and Golden State Annex in McFarland (Kern County), protest poor food quality, medical neglect and a working wage of $1 a day. ->->->
How to Read Political Polls Like a Pro
Highlights: Dashboards at RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight. Weighting polls, internal polling, online versus phone polls, margin of error, incomparability of results from different pollsters. ->->->
Links, etc.
- Asian Americans in the opposition to the Vietnam War – Wikipedia. Useful to see the history of how “Asian American” as a political movement came into being through anti-imperialist action.
- Charles Post, Marxism and the race problem – discusses how stratification created by capitalism works to reinforce race and gender divisions.
- Event: SB770 Public Input Meeting, Aug 30, 9:00am – A public webinar where the UCLA team will present their initial research and issues.