Convicts and guard, Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information, 1941

Health Insurance; Prisoner Laborers; Macron Shits on the Left, Appoints Right Winger PM

Before you continue, read You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism.

(Fucking) Macron Names Right-Wing Prime Minister, ‘Turning His Back’ On French Voters

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday named the right-wing politician Michel Barnier as prime minister, prompting outrage from a coalition of left-of-center parties that won the most seats in recent parliamentary elections and argued that the premier should be chosen from its ranks. ->->->

  • Who is Michel Barnier? Center right politician who has gone right wing on immigration.
  • The winning left coalition, and Melenchon, were initially suspected of “yellow jacket” racist populism, but their political platform was anti-colonialist and for the colonized.

The Dirty Trick Health Insurers Are Playing That You Don’t Know About

by Wendell Potter. The medical loss ratio (MLR) limits how much of your premium dollars insurers can use to pad their profits and for “overhead.” The thing is: They’ve have found a way around it. ->->->

Prison Labor Makes Your Food : America Never Stopped this Exploitation

Totally random thought: why aren’t oil interests raised when we discuss why Israel is committing genocide against Gaza. It’s not only the power of AIPAC that is influencing the politics. It’s also the oil giants that want that Gaza oil.