Nada Elia, Food, art and literature: How Israel is stealing Arab culture
(Opinion piece is from 2018) Israel has expanded the reach of its cultural theft beyond the historic borders of Palestine, to various Arab countries around it ->->->
- 24. Theories Lecture: Understanding Gayatri Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak”
- After Debate, Joy Is Felt Among AANHPI Harris Supporters
(Asian) Pretendianism
I’m Asian, so I’m down to call out some Asian pretendians. Maylei[1] Blackwell[2] of UCLA Chicano Studies. Kevin Fujita[3] of Native Child and Family Services of Toronto. I’ve moved beyond anger and mockery, and toward sympathy, but with accountability and a sense of the necessity to usurp the current order. Where have we gone wrong?
To learn more about pretendianism, check out Ghost Warrior Society.
Update: Korean and white woman Linda Black Elk, is not Catabwa.
Update: Theresa Mai Chuc, multi-ethnic Asian Vietnamese, claims adopted Tongva. I’m not sure how to regard “adoption,” especially of adults.
Update: UCLA Grad Students in Chicano Studies call for Blackwell’s resignation, and denounces her actions.
Update 2025/3/2: UC Native Americans demand action against scholars claiming Indigenous roots without proof – Los Angeles Times

One response to “Indigenous Identity Fraud; Zionist Cultural Theft; Can the subaltern speak?”
[…] American, but genetic tests indicate they are mixed race Black and White people. This is a case of pretendianism, except taken up the level of Federal recognition. It can function to erase or weaken actual […]