Author: admin
Protected: What a Year (Written August 27, 2019)
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Selected Posts from June 2020
Every few months, I delete my posts from Facebook. I know FB already got some value from my activities, and want to limit what I give them. So, each month I pick some posts to preserve on this blog.
That “A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers” Article the Anti-Mask People are Passing Around, and Getting it Wrong
Sometime around July 8 to 11, this article made the rounds. It is an article that just won’t vanish, and as it’s passed around, the claims about it get more extreme. They completely misread the paper, which does not…
Selected Posts from Facebook from May 2020
I try to delete posts regularly, and archive some in posts to my own blogs. I know this is destroying the archival aspects of replies, and I guess that sucks, but… I feel like it must be done.
Selected Posts from Facebook from April 2020
I delete my Facebook posts occasionally, and archive selected posts. I lose the comments, unfortunately.
Selected Facebook Posts from March 2020
These are posts from March 2020. I remove posts from Facebook periodically. To preserve the old posts, I copy some of them to this blog.
Selected Posts from Facebook from January 2020
I try to delete my posts from Facebook periodically, and archive some before doing so.
SARS-CoV-2 in the Air
Three recent articles about reducing the risks of airborne transmission of COVID-19. The Risks, Know Them, Avoid Them by Erin Bromage Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection for prevention of COVID-19 by MacIntyre and Wang Respiratory virus shedding…
COVID-19 Hits Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Communities the Hardest; this Paper Has Lessons for All of Us
Please read p.134, “COVID-19 HITS NATIVE HAWAIIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER COMMUNITIES THE HARDEST“ This paper isolates a population comprising several ethnic groups, called Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI), in the US, that are urban, working class, low income,…