Author: admin
California Migration Trends and Dianne Feinstein
This article starts out about Dianne Feinstein, but gets into California economic demographics and history. Source: Why California Hasn’t Moved On From Dianne Feinstein
Tech Bazillionaires Paid for Anti-Unhoused Anti-Camping Law in San Francisco in 2016
I didn’t know about this law, but I think Los Angeles folks should learn about it. It’s called Proposition Q, and it was passed in 2016. The law prohibits tents on public property.
Ethnic and Unhoused
I’m not sure if people still believe this, but there used to be a bit of “common wisdom” or racial stereotyping that said there aren’t Asian or Latino homeless.
Civil Rights Unionism
Jacobin has published a good article about the organizing of Local 22 at the Reynold’s tobacco company, and how the union had originated and combined the civil rights struggle for African Americans with the union, and with the participation…
Gubernatorial Candidate Villaraigosa Should Love Ranked Choice Voting (Upd. Jun. 7)
Things are looking pretty rough for Antonio Villaraigosa. Here are the latest polls. These are from Real Clear Politics. I have to wonder, if the voters for Chiang and Eastin were to choose Villaraigosa as their second choice, and…
This came across the LA Indymedia newswire. I’m interested in the reduction of consumption and production, but not so sure about the three postulates… but will consider them. Downshiftism – a philosophy established on the theoretical bases of the…
Redlining was Part of the System of Segregated, Whites-Only Communities
Most narratives about HOLC/FHA redlining focus on the redlined areas. The narrative goes something like this: redlined communities were created, and Black people were forced to live there. While that’s generally accurate, it ignores all the other groups that…
There Are No Urban Design Courses on Race and Justice, So We Made Our Own Syllabus
Black students at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design say there are no design courses that consider race and justice. Here’s an outline for one. Source: There Are No Urban Design Courses on Race and Justice, So We Made Our…
The Return of Public Housing
Bookmarking to read later; Statement in Opposition to Sb 827 – Luxury Development for the Rich, Displacement and Dispossession for the Poor
The New Cognitive Property
This looks promising: The New Cognitive Property It’s about intellectual property and something they call “cognitive property” which fits in between IP and the data we produce as workers or consumers. Sharing before reading…