A simple refutation of the “Supply and Demand” argument about how new apartment construction will lower rents.
Generally, the law of supply and demand operates. Supply of something goes up, and there’s downward pressure on the price of it. However, ask any real estate agent about what determines value, and many will say “location, location, location”. Location obviously matters. Beverly Hills apartments will cost more than East LA apartments, because the location…
Brief Review of Migrating from Gmail and to Proton
I have been listening to Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff, and Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine, so I’m extra paranoid these days. I’m moving my work to Proton and This document describes how well it’s going. What’s migrating? Email Protonmail has built-in importers for Gmail and (the online email aka Hotmail, not the…
Inventing Black and White; Erasing History at the National Archives
Inventing Black and White – Learn how Bacon’s Rebellion became a turning point for the way the laws of colonial Virginia distinguished people of different races. (Note that the two classes – poor vs. indentured/slaves – united, but it was to continue the expansion of the colonies into indigenous land.) Erasing History at the National…
Mass Narcolepsy
These images were generated using Meta Imagine, and the prompt “mass narcolepsy at” and the location. The theme is many people falling asleep at inopportune moments. Relax, America.
Orientalism: Music, Edward Said, Hello Kitty, US CIA in Japan, 1 Year of the Israel-Gaza War
(Before digging into this, I’m not going to pretend I’m not an ignorant Orientalist. I have been for most of my life, and I’m listening and reading to overcome this racism. Just because I’m “an Oriental” doesn’t mean I am not Orientalist. -jk) Monterey Park Library Announces Kawaii Kitty Art Contest – Rafu Shimpo One…
Do All Asian American Political Orgs Look the Same? (Bing AI confuses two organizations)
Searching for “asian american advocacy fund”, with the intent of looking for The Asian American Advocacy Fund, which is an organization in Georgia that activates AAPI voters, brought up references to The Asian American Foundation, aka TAAF, a recent astroturf project to represent the interests of centrist, rich Asian Americans. The AI wrote a summary…
2024 Election Battlegrounds
Polling in Battleground States Harris and Trump are very close in the battleground states (obviously – that’s the definition of a BG). Florida is usually up in play, but this year, it’s going for Trump. Georgia usually goes Republican, but this year, it’s up in play; likewise Arizona. ->->-> Harris continues to win the national…
New “Yellow Peril” Fear Mongering Laws; Objectification; Newsom Vetoes AI Bill
CAPAC Chair Condemns House Vote to Reinstate Trump-Era China Initiative Fear Mongering and the Scapegoating Continue. The House of Representatives voted on Sept. 11 to pass H.R. 1398, the Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act of 2024, a bill to reinstate the Trump-era China Initiative program, and H.R. 9465, the Protecting American…
Enshittification for AI Training; Bisan Owda
Bisan Owda, journalist in Gaza, regularly posting videos on social media, picked up by AJ+, has now won an Emmy Award to go along with her Peabody Award. This journalist has escaped death multiple times, seen her people and community bombed daily, in a bombing campaign most around the work describe as “genocide.” Through her…
The Murder of Ee Lee
The Size of Mayan Civilization Compared to the Size of Los Angeles, CA
Recent Mean and Hateful Comments on YouTube Anti-Gentrification March Video
UK Race Riots and Organizing; Tipping; Masking in Our Community Spaces; Video Channel Links
How to take a “tour” of how much damage COVID-19 has done, using the LA County surveillance dashboard.
Medium Paywall Blocking Posts
New COVID Vax; Oceans Overflowing; Tech Ain’t Fixing the Climate; 4Chan->GOP
Selected Posts from Facebook from January 2020
The Purpose of Antisemitism in White Supremacy
Prompt Collection 3
Taking Over “Public School”
ChatGPT: compare trotsky’s book on fascism with dimitrov’s book on fascism
ChatGPT on Nationalism
Protected: What the Heck is Wrong?
Anti-Pedo Fascists
My Top Favorite Conspiracy Theories
ChatGPT: who writes about late 20th century neoliberalism and the national question
Fantasy Vernacular Architecture
ChatGPT: Discovers a “Memory Hole” or makes up sources
L.A. History: A Mexican Perspective
Conservative Hopelessness about Anti-Asian Violence
ChatGPT: Stop Asian Hate, the movie
Selected Facebook Posts from March 2020
2024 Election Battlegrounds
Pee Commerce
Treasure Chest, Robert Louis Stevenson Jr. High School Yearbook, 1939
Ethnic and Unhoused
Good Summary on Bastard Urbanism
Trump, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Quercetin, ECGC Catechins, AYCE KBBQ
Indigenous Identity Fraud; Zionist Cultural Theft; Can the subaltern speak?
Letter to Garcetti about Shipping Container Homes
Nationalist Right-Wing anti-Imperialism, Curry, Kare, Colonization
CalCare, AB1400, Single Payer Insurance Readings
Columbusing: Eastside
WSJ Election-Hype Poll about Perceptions of Prejudice Excluded Asians
Jimmy Dore Coddles Fascists
Brief Review of Migrating from Gmail and to Proton