
  • On the Precipice of Another Great Depression

    As we stand on the precipice of the cliff overlooking another Great Depression, we need to consider that the Depression wasn’t only rough on the working class. It was also a period of extreme racism, not only by people to each other, but by the government against communities of color. As the government started to…

  • Housing as an Investment in People

    As I was drafting this, and doing research, I found out that there are some relatively wealthy people living in public housing.  I knew about the HACLA policy that allowed it, but this was in another city. Story: There were a few other stories about this problem, which I don’t think is really a…

  • USCIS New Anti-Immigrant Mission Statement

    Another brick in the fascist wall that Trump is building.  The mission statement of the USCIS has change to become an anti-immigration agency. Source: U.S. agency’s new mission statement: America no longer a ‘nation of immigrants’

  • The Current Effort to Deny Citizenship to Undocumented Immigrants or Spouses Has a Precedent

    Conor Friedersdorf, in a piece defending Bari Weiss calling American-born Mirai Nagasu an immigrant, apparently doesn't realize Asian immigrants couldn't naturalize because of racist exclusion laws until 1952. The levels. — mtp (@tsengputterman) February 21, 2018 This Conor F. is part of *the* *press*. He writes for The Atlantic, which is a liberal magazine/website.…

  • Good Summary on Bastard Urbanism

    This feels like a good snapshot of why so many organizations are uniting against SB 827, the upzoning law that gives away a lot of value to landowners and developers, without capturing that value, and without protecting tenants. via The Most Dangerous Myth I’m also looking into the history of property ownership by people of…

  • Long Beach Rent Control Research and Links

    Long Beach Rent Control Research and Links

    This page is a summary of research conducted to understand the movement for rent control in Long Beach.  Long Beach is large city with around 60% renters, located in LA County adjacent to Orange County.  It’s long been a conservative/centrist city government, but has shifted more liberal in the past couple decades.  The downtown area…

  • Libertarians on Immigration

    I was reading some random web pages, and came across an article (not linked) advocating that libertarians should support immigration controls.  It was a baffling article, and stuck in my craw, because the old school libertarians were for open borders. They’re way past where the Democrats and some socialists are. They’re way over in anarchy-land.

  • The Size of Mayan Civilization Compared to the Size of Los Angeles, CA

    The mapping of around 60,000 buildings in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve of Guatemala has revealed a civilization much larger than previously estimated, at an estimated 10 million people. See how this compares to Los Angeles County, an area with 10 million people.

  • Facebook 2009, Part 1

    I was participating only lightly in Facebook before 2009.  I had gotten a job that required more social media interaction, so I started to post partisan political material on my account.  I had some before, but, that’s been deleted. Now I’m deleting this old stuff. February 24, 2009 I don’t check this account often. Please…

  • Ezra Klein Discussion with Bhaskar Sunkara of Jacobin

    I hadn’t listened to this show before, and my first introduction was the episode before this one. Titled “How Democracies Die”, it irked me, not only in the big picture idea that the center holds things together, but in the particulars of how they picked out Hugo Chavez as their example of an anti-democratic demagogue,…