Category: Image Generators
Fantasy Vernacular Architecture
Exploring fantasy buildings made of cinder blocks or earth, in a pyramid-inspired shape. Meta Imagine. Some of the images look like adobe/Southwestern indigenous architecture, Mexican architecture, or Southeast Asian architecture.
Mass Narcolepsy
These images were generated using Meta Imagine, and the prompt “mass narcolepsy at” and the location. The theme is many people falling asleep at inopportune moments. Relax, America.
Getting Meta’s AI, Imagine, to Produce NSFW Images
This essay isn’t yet finished. I have to do some more experimentation, but the gist of it will be the same. I hope to do more research, but, I might find my account suspended after this post.
DALL-E as Cheese Hegemon and Destroyer of Words: Hamburgers and Pizzas with Mandatory Cheese, and Erasure of Pigs in Blankets
The training images have an undue effect on the output, when numerous images overwhelm a word, and effectively alter the meaning of that word. I recently joined the “Cursed AI” group on Facebook, and they were discussing how to…
DALL-E and Commas that Matter, “young people fighting the war on drugs”, SFW->NSFW
Commas matter. Two prompts and the results. “young people fighting the war on drugs” “young people fighting the war, on drugs” It produced only two images, so the other too were blocked for being “too racy” or harmful. “young…
DALL-E and NSFW Content, How to Make Your Own
This is a note about ways I got DALL-E (Bing version) to produce images that are not necessarily NSFW, but are likely to be interpreted as NSFW, because they look like porn.
DALL-E has Problems with “Race Mixing”
I was unable to crosspost or even link to this reddit post, so I’m replicating it here, for cross posting. I was trying to get around some filters, and making some pictures of satyrs in a band, or satyrs…