Category: History
What Are You Shooting For? by Roberto Rubalcava et. al. 1993
This mural no longer exists. I thought it was one of the best ones in Los Angeles, because it was so postmodern, but also specific to its location and time. I didn’t realize, until I did research, that it…
SpaceHey, Liker
SpaceHey is a fan project to replicate MySpace. Liker is something like a Democrat Facebook or something. Not really sure. I’m saving some images here to to share on SpaceHey. Here’s my profile at SpaceHey, and at Liker.
Henry George’s Racist Screed Against Chinese People in California, New York Tribune, May 1, 1869
I was forwarded a paper that was published in a journal. I wondered what the journal was about, and found that they were looking to preserve the intellectual lineage of Henry George, a late 19th century philosopher and early…
Village Scale Epidemic Management in Japan
This paper has influenced me during this COVID-19 pandemic. It breaks past the idea of looking at epidemic policy narrowly, through the lens of science and government, but with a broader view that includes “natural, social and economic factors.”…
Erasing Racism with Revisionist History about Ichimatsu Dolls
I stumbled across and ad for an old Japanese doll, and wanted to get an idea of what’s out there, so I went to eBay and found out. On there, I saw listings for “Ichimatsu” dolls, which I’d never…
Treasure Chest, Robert Louis Stevenson Jr. High School Yearbook, 1939
Bought at a local estate sale, this yearbook is a look into history, into the East Los Angeles community. East Los Angeles was an unincorporated area east of the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Many of the residents…
Mid90s and Redlining
I don’t know the story behind Mid90s, but the trailer and description hint at some urban geography and class issues related to the relationship between the middle class neighborhoods of Cheviot Hills and working class neighborhoods of Culver City.…
1529 Pizarro St. Los Angeles, CA 90026
I was moving some photos around from my father’s hoard, and found a photo of a tiny piece of paper with his name at that address, 1529 Pizarro St.
Alice Johnson is Out, but what about Street Dealers?
I’m glad that Alice Johnson is out of prison. I don’t like the way the press are saying she’s a “first time nonviolent drug offender”. Please. She was operating up a the executive level. She wasn’t some lady selling…
Civil Rights Unionism
Jacobin has published a good article about the organizing of Local 22 at the Reynold’s tobacco company, and how the union had originated and combined the civil rights struggle for African Americans with the union, and with the participation…