Category: History

  • Libertarians on Immigration

    I was reading some random web pages, and came across an article (not linked) advocating that libertarians should support immigration controls.  It was a baffling article, and stuck in my craw, because the old school libertarians were for open…

  • The Size of Mayan Civilization Compared to the Size of Los Angeles, CA

    The mapping of around 60,000 buildings in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve of Guatemala has revealed a civilization much larger than previously estimated, at an estimated 10 million people. See how this compares to Los Angeles County, an area with…

  • Facebook 2009, Part 1

    I was participating only lightly in Facebook before 2009.  I had gotten a job that required more social media interaction, so I started to post partisan political material on my account.  I had some before, but, that’s been deleted.…

  • Facebook Memories

    Every day, Facebook shows you an old post, hoping you will retweet it. I usually delete the originals, and ignore it forever.  Now, I’ll archive some of them, here. Return and refresh for updates.

  • The Mirror

    Los Angeles is now what we call a “one newspaper town”, but it used to support at least five papers in English.  One of these, which I have never seen a complete copy of, is The Mirror, the Chandler…

  • Decoupage with Old Newsprint

    I found some old erotica, aka “smut”, and cut some up and did a little decoupage demo.  Decoupage is a French word that means gluing bits of paper onto a box, and then smearing more glue on top to…