Category: Social Sciences
Facebook 2009, Part 1
I was participating only lightly in Facebook before 2009. I had gotten a job that required more social media interaction, so I started to post partisan political material on my account. I had some before, but, that’s been deleted.…
Ezra Klein Discussion with Bhaskar Sunkara of Jacobin
I hadn’t listened to this show before, and my first introduction was the episode before this one. Titled “How Democracies Die”, it irked me, not only in the big picture idea that the center holds things together, but in…
Facebook Memories
Every day, Facebook shows you an old post, hoping you will retweet it. I usually delete the originals, and ignore it forever. Now, I’ll archive some of them, here. Return and refresh for updates.
Housing Racism and Skid Row
Down on the corner of 6th and San Pedro, there’s a building named for Ben Weingart, and maybe his story could explain Skid Row a little better.
The Book Trust – an attempt to monopolize cheap book production in the 1800s
Back in 1889, John W. Lovell was attempting to create a “book trust”, or a cartel of book publishers to control prices by limiting competition between the publishers.
Etsy Helps Create Microbusiness Caucus, a Challenge to Labor Organizing
Congress now has a Microbusiness Caucus, but does it represent workers? I’d say “no”. It’s for Etsy and those other companies, first, and only secondarily for people who sell on Etsy, and, lastly, for all the workers involved in…
Chili History Two interesting things I noticed: there’s a Chinese grocery store in the photo. “…one of the Chili Queens’ many forced migrations back and forth across San Antonio—from Military Plaza to Alamo Plaza, Market Square to Haymarket Square, Milam…
Little Tokyo Urban Renewal 1972, Urban Renewal Researcher from Japan 1968, Gentrification Notes
I’ve been going through the hoard and stumbled on a couple unrelated things that, today, seem related. Gentrification has swept across downtown LA, and it recalls, for some people older than I, Urban Renewal. Urban Renewal was criticized and…
In Canada, White Supremacy is the Law of the Land by Arthur Manuel
Like most people in the US, I’m profoundly ignorant about Canadian history. Sometimes, though, you read something that is so uncannily familiar that it shocks. A brief introduction to Canada, through the eyes of the colonized. In Canada, White…
Housing and Market Forces
Our housing prices are subject to market forces. Perhaps they shouldn’t be. The US economy is basically a capitalist market system, where buyers and sellers participate in markets, and supply and demand, along with regulations and competition, determine prices.…