Category: Politics
Etsy Helps Create Microbusiness Caucus, a Challenge to Labor Organizing
Congress now has a Microbusiness Caucus, but does it represent workers? I’d say “no”. It’s for Etsy and those other companies, first, and only secondarily for people who sell on Etsy, and, lastly, for all the workers involved in…
Chili History Two interesting things I noticed: there’s a Chinese grocery store in the photo. “…one of the Chili Queens’ many forced migrations back and forth across San Antonio—from Military Plaza to Alamo Plaza, Market Square to Haymarket Square, Milam…
In Canada, White Supremacy is the Law of the Land by Arthur Manuel
Like most people in the US, I’m profoundly ignorant about Canadian history. Sometimes, though, you read something that is so uncannily familiar that it shocks. A brief introduction to Canada, through the eyes of the colonized. In Canada, White…
Housing and Market Forces
Our housing prices are subject to market forces. Perhaps they shouldn’t be. The US economy is basically a capitalist market system, where buyers and sellers participate in markets, and supply and demand, along with regulations and competition, determine prices.…
The Independent Progressive Party
This is a clipping from the Rafu, and I think it’s around 1952, because it mentions the McCarran Walter Act, which passed in 1952. I recognized Art Takei’s name, because he was one of the founders of APALA, the…