Tag: COVID-19
Anti-Vaccine Mandate “Debate” Goes Weird Real Quick
I thought this was going to be a little trolling, but it got weird.
SARS-CoV-2 in the Air
Three recent articles about reducing the risks of airborne transmission of COVID-19. The Risks, Know Them, Avoid Them by Erin Bromage Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection for prevention of COVID-19 by MacIntyre and Wang Respiratory virus shedding…
Watching COVID-19: The OC
Orange County decided to open up their beaches on April 25th, so, it’s a good time to take a look at the Orange County COVID-19 website, and start monitoring their stats. If many people were infected with SARS-CoV-2 from…
I Think There’s Under Counting of Covid-19
I took my friend to county general hospital because she had covid-19 symptoms. It looked like covid-19, but they would not give a test. She already had an appointment to get tested at a center tomorrow. They’re rationing tests,…
Gin and Tonic, Imperialism, and COVID-19
Gin and Tonic is a great drink, and if you look into the history, you can see hints of the current fascination with hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug (and also a lupus drug). The gin was used to make the…
Village Scale Epidemic Management in Japan
This paper has influenced me during this COVID-19 pandemic. It breaks past the idea of looking at epidemic policy narrowly, through the lens of science and government, but with a broader view that includes “natural, social and economic factors.”…