Nearly 2 Months in, the Mold Treatment is Done, but we’re Waiting for Flooring

The remediation was finally done at the end of February and the beginning of March. The process involved a chemical that smelled like chlorine that irritated, and a machine that sucked the moisture and chemicals out of the air. It took a few days for it to dry out.

The room was repaired. The ceiling had been torn out, so new drywall was installed. (This was on March 5-7.)

We thought carpet would go in right afteward, but it didn’t happen. A week passed before we got confirmation that they were going to install laminate flooring, rather than carpet, but it still hasn’t been done. The floor looks like this, today:

We’re nearly two months into this. I’ve basically been evicted from the space, and Rosa and Claudia have not had their own beds.


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