Month: February 2018

  • USCIS New Anti-Immigrant Mission Statement

    Another brick in the fascist wall that Trump is building.  The mission statement of the USCIS has change to become an anti-immigration agency. Source: U.S. agency’s new mission statement: America no longer a ‘nation of immigrants’

  • The Current Effort to Deny Citizenship to Undocumented Immigrants or Spouses Has a Precedent

    Conor Friedersdorf, in a piece defending Bari Weiss calling American-born Mirai Nagasu an immigrant, apparently doesn't realize Asian immigrants couldn't naturalize because of racist exclusion laws until 1952. The levels. — mtp (@tsengputterman) February 21, 2018 This Conor F. is part of *the* *press*. He writes for The Atlantic, which is a liberal magazine/website.…

  • Good Summary on Bastard Urbanism

    This feels like a good snapshot of why so many organizations are uniting against SB 827, the upzoning law that gives away a lot of value to landowners and developers, without capturing that value, and without protecting tenants. via The Most Dangerous Myth I’m also looking into the history of property ownership by people of…

  • What are Coworking Spaces?

    TL;DR: “This is more like a bar or a club than a workspace,” said the local member of provincial parliament, taking in the scene. They kind of missed the point, which was that the spaces provide meeting rooms, and also ongoing opportunities for networking between workers and investors. They exist, mainly, to cater to the…

  • Long Beach Rent Control Research and Links

    Long Beach Rent Control Research and Links

    This page is a summary of research conducted to understand the movement for rent control in Long Beach.  Long Beach is large city with around 60% renters, located in LA County adjacent to Orange County.  It’s long been a conservative/centrist city government, but has shifted more liberal in the past couple decades.  The downtown area…