Category: Social Sciences
Do All Asian American Political Orgs Look the Same? (Bing AI confuses two organizations)
Searching for “asian american advocacy fund”, with the intent of looking for The Asian American Advocacy Fund, which is an organization in Georgia that activates AAPI voters, brought up references to The Asian American Foundation, aka TAAF, a recent…
Political Nerdmaxing: Q: Why Are Asians so Right Wing?
A: We aren’t right wing. We actually vote more for Democratic Party candidates than every other group, except for African Americans.
Explanation of Anti-Asian Racist Content
I was reading Asians With Attitudes and they had this racist post up, all mad. They didn’t link to it, so I found it: It’s lowbrow racism, but people think it’s funny, so they repost it, but added an…
ChatGPT: compare and contrast the different forms of slavery in the different regions
While slavery existed in various regions across the globe, there were differences in the forms and practices of slavery in different areas. It’s important to note that the institution of slavery was diverse, and variations existed within regions and…
Historic Palestinian Documents at the Lady Izdihar Archive
Lady Isdihar runs an archive of USSR era documents and some Palestine documents. This page links out to several of contemporary interest.
Old Articles about anti-Zionism and Zionism by Jewish Communists
Articles from the Marxists International Archive about Jewish Communist and Socialist anti-Zionism, mainly from before 1948.
Kare, Curry, anti-Imperialism, Colonization
How Japanese curry (kare) intersected with a right wing anti-Western, anti-imperialist movement.
The Purpose of Antisemitism in White Supremacy
White nationalists believe that all of their problems with society are created by an organized conspiracy of Jewish people who are motivating and pushing immigration laws, civil rights laws, And it’s a belief system that in many ways disregards…
The Western Gender Binary
This page is going to become a list of links to articles about the ideas of Judith Butler, and some feminist texts. History: I was intending to do a reading group for Gender Trouble, but this seems to not…